Prevent Rodents And Insects From Entering Your Home Or Building With Pestplug
No Killing
Easy to Install
No Chemicals

What is Pestplug?
- PESTPLUG™ is widely used to prevent Rodents and Pests from entering your home, commercial building, RV’s and other structures.
- Pestplug is made from a proprietary process that stitches multiple layers of coarse stainless steel wool / fibers together.
- Pests can not chew or burrow through the needle like prickly fibers of coarse stainless steel wool.
- Unlike traditional household steel wool or soap pads from a hardware store, Pestplug will not rust or corrode.
- When properly installed, Pestplug forms a protective barrier that is virtually impassible by rodents, bats, scorpions, lizards, and other pests.
- Pestplug is very easy to install and it is ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY so you do not need to use pesticides, chemicals or even poison.
Why Use Pestplug?
No Killing & No Mess
Easy To Install
No Chemicals
Environmentally Friendly
Rust Free – No Stains
Permanent Solution
Rodents Carry Over 35 Diseases